MIF24 Day Visitor Feedback MIF 2024 Day Visitor Feedback "*" indicates required fields Please take a few minutes to let us know how this year’s Festival was for you.Name* Group (if applicable) Which days did you attend? Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Sunday How did you/your group members grow in confidence, self-esteem, independence etc. by coming to the Festival?*How can we improve the information sent before the Festival?*What was your favourite activity?*What was your least favourite activity?*How would you rate the activity delivery overall?*Please choose4 Very Good3 Good2 OK1 PoorHow would you rate the centre facilities?*Please choose4 Very Good3 Good2 OK1 PoorAny comments on the facilities?If you ate in the dining hall, how would you rate the food?*Please choose4 Very Good3 Good2 OK1 PoorHow was the support from the Festival volunteers (pink shirts)?*Please choose4 Very Good3 Good2 OK1 PoorAny comments on the volunteers?What was the best thing about the Festival?*Would you consider coming to stay at the Festival next year? If not, why?*Any other comments about this year’s Festival?Would you recommend the Festival to others?* Yes No