MIF24 Volunteer Feedback MIF 2024 Volunteer Feedback "*" indicates required fields Please take a few minutes to let us know how this year’s Festival was for you.Name* NEW VOLUNTEERS ONLY (If you're a returner, enter N/A)Describe how you were feeling about volunteering prior to the Festival? E.g. excited, nervous*And how did you feel at the end of Festival?*ALL VOLUNTEERSWhat have you learnt from volunteering at this year's Festival?*How would you rate the information sent to volunteers before the Festival?*Please choose4 Very Good3 Good2 OK1 PoorAny comments on the information?How would you rate the volunteer briefing and training session at the start of the Festival?*Please choose4 Very Good3 Good2 OK1 PoorAny comments on the session?How was your team and the overall organisation of the Festival?*How would you rate the centre facilities?*Please choose4 Very Good3 Good2 OK1 PoorAny comments on the facilities?What was your favourite meal?What was your least favourite meal?How would you rate the food overall?*Please choose4 Very Good3 Good2 OK1 PoorWhat was the best thing about the Festival for you?*Any other comments - including suggestions for future Festivals (theme/activities)?Would you be interested in getting involved in either of the following ahead of next year's Festival? Fundraising Promotion What skills and experience can you bring in either of these areas?